Stemming Illegal Logging and Timber Trade

Over the last four decades, there has been a global recognition of the damage to world forests caused by illegal logging and the related trade in illegally produced timber products. The European Community, as a major timber-consuming market, understands that the EC's demand for timber, and the subsequent money flow there from, perpetuates the negative effects of illegal logging. The EC recognises that illegal logging poses a threat to wild fauna and flora, to the indigenous people living in the forests of timberproducing countries, the depressing effect on the economies of timber-producing countries, and the fact that profits of illegal logging often flow back to corrupt regimes and conflict zones.

The purpose of this report, requested by Mr. Serge Bronkhorst, is to give an overview of the EC's effort to tackle illegal logging and trade in illegally produced timber. The sum total of this effort is contained in the European Union Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade

Publication website ( PDF - )

Author(s)A. L. Jaramillo, T. Lock, A. Kilinc
PublisherInstitute for Environmental Security
Place publishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Date / Journal Vol No.November 2008


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CLI Climate
FOR Forests
ILL Illegal Trade in Natural Resources
IND Indigenous Peoples
WLD Wildlife

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