Climate Change and Security in South Asia: Cooperating for Peace

This paper warns that a recent drought in India which has affected over 330 million people – causing displacement and threatening farms –is just the first hint of how climate change could destabilise the South Asian region, unless steps are taken to address the threat posed by a warming, resource-scarce world. 

The report by GMACCC authors Lt. General Tariq Waseem Ghazi (Ret.) of Pakistan, Maj. General A.N.M. Muniruzzaman (Ret.) of Bangladesh, and Air Marshall A.K. Singh (Ret.) of India recommends that the region’s leaders strengthen cooperation to reduce the potential for widespread human suffering and further instability.


Lt. General Tariq Waseem Ghazi (Ret.), Maj. General A.N.M. Muniruzzaman (Ret.), and Air Marshall A.K. Singh (Ret.)

EditorRonald A. Kingham
Additional Contributions / EditingWouter Veening
Publisher(s)Institute for Environmental Security (IES) / Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC)
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Date / Journal Vol. No.December 2014 / GMACCC Paper No. 2

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