Photos from "Environment Conflict and Cooperation" exhibition by Adelphi Research and Weltformat Design
On the 7th of March 2006, the Institute for Environmental Security, The Hague, co-organised with Adelphi Research, Berlin, an afternoon Civil Society and Public Forum in connection with the Adelphi Research exhibition on Environment, Conflict and Cooperation.
The forum included an introduction by IES Chairman/Director, Wouter Veening and an expert panel discussion on the context of environment and security policy in the Netherlands. State Secretary for the Environment, Pieter Van Geel, addressed the forum which was convened to accompany the launch of the Adelphi Research exhibition at VROM to bring together stakeholders to discuss how they can contribute to addressing the problems of environmental scarcity and degradation, conflict and cooperation in their future activities and communications to the broader public.
The exhibition "Environment, Conflict and Cooperation" visualizes the dramatic impacts of global environmental change. It was conceived and realized by Adelphi Research, Adelphi Consult and Weltformat.Design at the initiative of the German Foreign Ministry. Using the subjects of water, climate, land, forests and minerals, the exhibition shows the way in which environmental degradation and resource scarcity lead to conflicts and new security threats, but also how environmental cooperation and sustainable development can contribute to peace and stability. This exhibition focuses on three questions:
The aim of the exhibition is to foster an understanding for the topic among the interested public. Informative texts, pictures and charts convey to the visitor the complex content by giving specific examples. Video and audio features as well as interactive animations complement the picture walls. Specific themes covered include:
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